Monday, July 11, 2011

Furniture | The Spring Wood Collection by Carolien Laro : Dutch Designer

Dutch designer Carolien Laro has created the Spring Wood collection of seating.

3 The Spring Wood Collection by Carolien Laro - Dutch Designer

Contemporary The Spring Wood Collection by Carolien Laro - Dutch Designer

Strong The Spring Wood Collection by Carolien Laro - Dutch Designer

The Long Spring Wood Collection by Carolien Laro - Dutch Designer

The Spring Wood Collection by Carolien Laro - Dutch Designer

Spring Wood., developed by Carolien Laro, a graduated student at the Arts Academy St Joost and Amsterdam Wood and Furniture College.Carolien was very successfull with her idea: she won the Wood Challenge Prize as well as a nomination for the IMI Award as well as the DOEN material prize. Selecting the right ashwood and machining it. The glueing process followed by the CNC sawing: in total more than 480 CNC groove-milling steps are necessary for one ‘wooden pillow’.

Visit Carolien Laro’s website

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